How to practice communication skills for children

How to practice communication skills for children

Teaching communication skills to children properly is an important thing that parents should pay attention to first. Because this is a factor that directly affects the child’s ability to develop in learning, life, and later success. So, in the following article, Monkey will explain more clearly why it is important to develop communication skills for preschool children and the secret to helping develop this skill for children effectively.

Why develop communication skills for preschool children?

When being trained in communication skills for children, will bring many benefits to children’s lives. When children have good communication skills, they will receive the following benefits:

  • Training children’s communication skills to help them handle situations that may arise in the process of communication
  • Training communication skills helps children develop good persuasion skills, fluently expressing their thoughts to teachers and parents.
  • Training children’s communication skills helps them to know gratitude when receiving help in life
  • Practice communication skills for children to help them thank and apologize in certain situations
  • Practice communication skills for children to help them not speak up or steal others’ words when they are talking
  • Training children’s communication skills to help them stay calm and not raise their voice when they are at a loss
  • Training children’s communication skills helps them not to try to say things that they do not know or say things that are not true.
  • Training children’s communication skills helps them to be confident in any environment, not shy when meeting strangers
  • Training children’s communication skills to help them be more skillful in speaking
  • Training children’s communication skills helps them form the habit of thinking before they start speaking.
  • When the child’s communication skills are good, it will support the development of thinking ability, support better learning and work later.

The age of communication skills education for children is appropriate

Since the baby was born, the child has had his or her way of communicating such as crying, eyes, facial expressions, limb movements, laughter, etc. But the level of communication of the child will develop with each age, especially When children are 3 years old, they know how to use language to express their feelings, thoughts, and needs. This is the time when parents should start teaching their children how to communicate and behave to form the habit of using their language effectively from expressing their feelings in a courteous, polite, and connected manner. with people around more polite.

What communication skills with preschool children should parents teach their children?

At the child’s age, there are many communication skills that parents and schools can teach their children to develop and practice. So what are the communication skills that should be taught first?

Practice communication skills with adults

Children will often have to communicate with adults such as grandparents, parents, siblings, teachers, etc. Therefore, parents need to teach children communication skills with adults. Parents are good role models for their children, so be smart in communicating with grandparents for children to follow. Simple communication sentences with adults that children need to know such as greetings, asking about health, and yes, hello when talking. Not only in words, but parents should also teach children how to bow, and clasp hands when meeting or greeting adults.

Practice communication skills with peers

Children’s communication skills with friends are really important because the time they spend studying and interacting with friends in class takes up ⅓ of the day. Teach your baby how to communicate and behave with friends such as always saying hello, asking for health, and including new friends. Know how to thank and apologize when receiving help from friends or when doing wrong. Children need to be taught to yield, share, get along, and be friendly with friends. In particular, when children go to school, sometimes they often encounter conflicting situations, parents need to teach their children how to behave when encountering such situations… Also, know how to respect friends. Be honest, don’t cheat, and treat your friends sincerely with all your heart.

Communication skills with strangers

Teaching children communication skills and dealing with strangers is essential for children because parents cannot be with them 24/7. To ensure your child’s safety, teach them the following:

  • Teach your children how to recognize and distinguish strangers
  • Teach children how to keep a certain distance from strangers in a delicate and skillful way
  • Teach children the rules of dealing with strangers when receiving temptations
  • Teach your children what to say and what not to say when they encounter strangers. Please say no to all temptations such as giving candy, giving money, taking you to meet your parents, taking you out,… Children do not disclose information related to family, class, home address, etc. ..

Eye contact skills

Eye contact skills for preschool children are important skills, contributing to the success of communication. Eye contact will express more emotions about the sentence that the child wants to say, thereby helping the words become persuasive. Therefore, parents should practice communication skills for children through their eyes. The first steps of teaching children to make eye contact can be quite difficult, but parents should be patient and the baby will form this habit.

Teach children to respect everyone

Good communication skills are respecting others, parents need to set an example for their children to follow. Teach children how to respect others by teaching them to speak politely, talk to adults, and speak softly, with a subject and predicate. Teach your children to apologize when they do wrong, and to be grateful when they receive help. In addition, teach children to always stay calm, and not to get angry or irritable in any situation whether they are right or wrong. Also, teach children to listen to others, and not to interrupt when the other person is talking. Please respect everyone’s opinions, do not speak ill of others, and do not tell friends,… Especially, do not use spanking but use words to persuade children, and praise when children know how to respect people. other.

Teach your children the skill of apologizing and thanking them sincerely

In the life of children from childhood to adulthood, they will always have to use the words sorry and thank you. Therefore, parents should teach children to say sorry and thank you at a young age. But teach your child to say sorry and thank you with sincerity. Analyze for children why they need to apologize in situations of wrongdoing when they do wrong will affect others. And vice versa, tell children what they get when they get help. When saying sorry, children need to have a repentant attitude, regretting the things they have done wrong. When saying thank you, teach your child to be sincere, appreciative, polite, and courteous.

Practice listening skills

Listening skills are part of communication skills for elementary school children. This is a focused, active process and a desire to understand the speaker’s content. There is a famous saying that “Successful communicators are good listeners”. Therefore, listening skills will decide 90% of communication. To practice listening skills, teach your child the following principles:

  • Baby concentrate fully on communication
  • During the process of the other party is talking, the child absolutely must not interrupt
  • Be understanding when listening to the other person
  • Do not judge and impose your opinion on the speaker
  • Know how to reverse the question to the other party
  • Use body language alongside spoken language
  • Please give personal opinions when the child has understood the content of the other’s story

Knowing how to listen to the baby will know how understand and empathize more. Parents can practice listening skills simply by playing listening games, check out these games on internet resources.

Learn how to express your opinion in front of people

Expressing the child’s point of view is the child expressing to the other party his thoughts on a certain issue. When children can express their personal views, they will be understood and respected by the other party. This is an important communication skill that parents need to focus on teaching their children. So what is the right way to express your personal opinion? Parents should note and teach children the following principles of expressing personal views:

  • Only say what your baby understands and believes it to be true
  • Do not use offensive words in any way
  • Be ready to take responsibility for what your child has said, right or wrong.
  • Baby, please express your opinion, but it needs to be in the right place at the right time

What do parents need to do to best teach their children communication skills?

Know the importance and benefits children can get when developing the best communication skills. From there, parents will orient to develop this skill for their children, thereby helping them to develop more comprehensively. So what do parents need to do to best teach their children communication skills? Join Miu Orini to continue following the content below!

Talk and listen to your child

One of the ways to practice communication skills for children is to talk and listen to them regularly. Talking and listening to your child every day for 30 minutes – 1 hour helps them share their feelings, share their joy through words, through their eyes… Parents can read a storybook with their children and then discuss its content. Or more simply, ask how your child’s day at school and play is, and ask him how his time in class was. I can make new friends, learn a new good game,… Listen to what I say with a cheerful attitude, always smiling gently at me. This lets the baby know that parents are always around, and always interested in protecting the child, thereby helping the child to be more confident in communication.

Expressing feelings from the heart helps children feel more clearly.

Children up to a certain age, usually when children start to turn 1 year old, will have better awareness, and know how to express emotions such as fear, joy, anger, and sadness,… Therefore, Emotions are a very important part of the formation and development of children’s communication skills. Parents should express their feelings through simple statements so that children can more receptive to information. Be happy, laugh with your child, when he does something well and can praise him like “You are so good, I am very happy”. Or when your child is disobedient, show a sad state and let him know “You are not so good, you made me so sad”,… From there, the child will recognize its emotional expressions and change them. Change the map level when expressing the child’s emotions.

Take care of me

Similar to talking and listening to children, parents should take the time to care for their children, play a game with them, watch a movie, listen to a story,…Or pay attention to the micro images, children’s expressions, and actions. If you observe your child a little, you will be able to tell if your child’s mood is happy or sad. From then on, ask questions about children and listen to them, … The spirit of such children will always be maintained or enhanced because they know that their parents always care for and protect them even when they are right next to them. parents or not.

Be a good role model for children

Adults are role models for children to follow, the actions and words that adults show in front of children will be remembered and followed by them. Therefore, be careful and pay attention to your words, and behave properly. When meeting older people like grandparents, parents should hug or bow to greet them and ask about their health. When parents do something wrong to their children, immediately admit their fault and apologize, on the contrary, when they help children with even the smallest things, say thank you to them. Pay attention to your behavior, always speak softly, and calmly with your child, and do not yell or spank when your child does wrong. Teach your children to respect respecting their decisions, by not criticizing them when they have not completed the work they have received,… From many things parents do with children, children will gradually notice and follow.

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